Welcome! I don't know about you, but I love food. The way it looks, smells, and tastes. Here I will merge my love of food and creativity. There is a slight twist here though.. The photos shared will not always be edible. I take my favorite foods, and then make them into jewelry, so I will share images of real food, miniature polymer food, and links to great recipes. I hope you enjoy this undertaking. I welcome any you to comment and make requests.
Here is some gooey See's goodness! How could you go wrong with cherries and chocolate. I love chocolate!!! The other following images are charms and beads handmade by me with polymer clay.
They turned out pretty well, and I had fun eating my inspirational models. I am looking forward to sharing more. It will be quite a tasty endeavor.
If you like what you see you can find my pieces on Etsy.
My version of the chocolate truffle is looking quite yummy. There is even a little cherry in there. I used Premo and liquid sculpy in this sweet little charm. It is only 6mm wide.
These premo beads made a fun bracelet. It makes me want to run for more See's though.